I Hope This Will Help Every one & No Need To Search Forum Because We Make All In One Here.
1. How To Check firmware Version ?
To check the firmware version of your Blackberry simply navigate it? menu:-
Images of firmware version
2. How To find imei ?
* To find imei is going to Options->Status there you will find imei number of phone.
* The IMEI may also be found on the white sticker under the battery.
* You can read imei by mep reader.
3. How To Connect blackberry With Pc.?
connect your blackberry to pc with data cable (same motorola v3 usb cable)
4. how To update/ReInstall BlackBerry Operating System ?
##Without desktop manager read here
5. from where we get BlackBerry desktop software ?
official download link
Latest Blackberry Desktopmanager version v5.0 > Rapidshare link will added soon
6. from where we get BlackBerry Operating System/flashfile ?
Official download site , all in one page , link here
Here link file uploaded on Rapidshare or other resume supported server
and dont forget to Delete the vendor.xml file located in c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader
7. how to check Vendor ID (operator) ?
to check vendor id Press group Key: ALT+Cap+H ->>>Vendor ID
for blackberry 9500 check this link
for Blackberry 8100 to check vendor id
ALT+RACE/Select Options->Advanced Options-> Applications, ALT+CAPS+H = launches Help Me! Screen with information about your device at one place.
8. how to reset blackberry password ?
Enter wrong password 10 times your device will deletes all your device data & reset user password
Note : If you type your BlackBerry® device password incorrectly , you might be prompted to type blackberry before you can continue.
9. How do I determine if my BlackBerry is "unlocked" ?
Images of Locked Device
Images of Unlocked Device
10. To obtain an unlock code for your BlackBerry
You will need to know your IMEI number for your BB. Look at Options, Status. The IMEI may also be found on the white sticker under the battery (sometimes hard to read--make sure you read it right!). or need to know Vendor ID (operator)
You can purchase the unlock code from various vendors. These listed below are reputable vendors with good feedback from us/user
>>Software or online Server Products
>>Main Sales Section
11. How to enter Unlock Code on BlackBerry Phones?
Thread link
12. When we get code error specially with 8 digit unlock code ?
solution here
13. Images of Alt/Shift key
14. how many way to unlock BlackBerry phones ?
A. Use Supported tools check at Hard/Software-Products section
B. Pst carcked for 6/7xxx series blackberry unlock code reader, check at blackberry faq.
C. MFI multiloder for unlock 7/8/9xxx series(8220,8520,8900,95XX,96XX not supported)
D. Buy unlock code/unlock by imei (check at Main Sales Section or Software or online Server Products section)
E. For free unlock code must check at Phone Unlocking Codes & Maps section
15. which BlackBerry phones supported by pst carcked ?
CodeReader supported BlackBerry 5XXX, 6XXX, 7XXX series
71xx Series : 7100g,7100g,7100i,7100r,7100t,7100v,7105t,7130e
72xx Series : 7230, 7250, 7280, 7290,
75xx Series : 7520,
77xx Series : 7730, 7750, 7780,
Phones not supported: X700, 7510 (iden), 5810, H700
16. how to read unlock codes with pst carcked ?
17. from where i get free tool (pst carcked for blackberry read code) download ?
download link
18. BlackBerryLoggerDriverInstaller download link
19. How to unlock blackberry 7/8/9xxx series with Mfi Multiloder ?
Download & Guide MFI Multiloader for blackberry unlock
20. How do I Recover a Dead BlackBerry ?
21. How To: ReInstall OS When Computer Won't Recognize The Device Is Connected ??
solution here
22. how to solve if i get this massage (sorry only emergency call are allowed) in call ?
you need to remove IT policy
23. how to remove IT policy ?
Go to your Options : Security >> Security Options (the same page where you can enable/disable passwords) & scroll to the bottom. If there's an IT policy attached, it will be mentioned there. Remove the IT policy using these instructions , link here is the working solution how to remove IT policy tested by me many times
24. how to get disable password option if the blackberry not thave the disable password option ?
You need to remove IT policy to get disable password option
25. how to solve Authorization Failure??
Here is the solution:
Go to Phone Options
Select General Options
Select Restrict My Identityt - NO
Select Show "My Number" - YES
You are all set.
No more Authorization Failure sending / receiving calls and messages.
26. What is 'data connection refused' ?
* If you do not have a BlackBerry Data Plan then you will see this message on the main screen!
* If you have a data plan and are seeing this message then you will need to call your service provider and have them check the provisioning on the account.
* If you do not have a data plan and want to hide this message from showing up then go to:
Options >> Mobile Network and turn Data Services to OFF.
27. What do I need a Data Plan for ?
read from this link
28. How do I wipe/reload the BlackBerry using Jl Cmder ?
link here
29. What to do next if Jl Cmder will not connect and wipe ?
link here
30. why we need to delete vendor.xml file ?
To install a OS update from a different carrier you have to delete C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\VENDOR.XML first.
For example > If you are laoding a At&t OS on a At&t device, there is no need to delete vendor.xml file. thats all
31. If My blackberry Show no service/no network how to solve ?
a. try turning off the radio/wireless and back on
b. some time its heppen for low battery , make sure the blackberry battery have full charge then try turning off the radio/wireless and back on
c. try update/ReInstall BlackBerry Operating System
after if you Not get network Then
d. To Check Phone At Hardware
The other important thing read more info from here
32. If My blackberry Show cal mode how to get normal mode ?
Ans here
33. with MFI multiloder unlock after i got error during flash my blackberry Unable to reconnect to the device during a multi-stage load operation ?
read this
34. how can be solve if i got this massage > no software update is required for your device , during flash my blackberry ?
solution is here
35. If Error 507 show on blackberry screen how can solve ?
To solve Error 507 You need update/ReInstall the BlackBerry Operating System , link here tested by forum user
36. from where i can get userguide for my blackberry device ?
Instle the blackberry os, after you will be found there > C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\xxxx-v4.xxx\userguide_bb8100
37. blackberry 7290/7230 cant dial number what is solution ?
Ans link
38. why my blackberry show battery cross sign ?
battery cross sign its battery problem not software , i mean you have use wrong types of battery
NEW SECURITY type platform ('09) - that cannot be unlocked by the normal Blackberry unlock code services.
40.How do I find out if my phone has the NEW SECURITY?
Let's discuss them How to know difference between OLD and NEW Security? - GSM-Forum
41. Debranding blackberry info & download vsm file for debrand blackberry
Thread link
42. how can i read blackberry mep ?
Mep reader download link
43. what about capital or lower case letters edge/EDGE ?
the capital or lower case letters let's you know what type of data you're using. Lower case means there is an edge network but you're not on it. Large edge means you're on the high speed network.
Note : Some Point Nomber changed so pls check by Qustion.
P.s : More information will be added soon , If Any One Want To Write New(which isnt writen here) Working & Tested Tutorial Of Blackberry phones Unlock/Repiar Pm Me I Check It And If That Ok Then Will Add Your Thread Link To This One So Every One Get Help Without spend more time on search.
Best Regards
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